Name Generator > Funny Names > Space Mutiny Names
Space Mutiny Name Generator
Are you extremely manly? Do you eat four dozen eggs a day? Can you tear a phone book apart with your bare hands? Do even your muscles have muscles? If so, then prepare to ascend to a brand new level of beefy bad-assery with our Space Mutiny name generator!

Just What Exactly Are These Extremely Manly Space Mutiny Names About?
You can use our extremely manly name creator to either create a random super-macho alter ego, or one that's specifically based on your own first and last name. It's ideal if you're looking for an over-the-top character for a roleplaying game, an attention-grabbing screen name, or if you just want to add some muscle-bound manliness to your life!
Our generator is inspired by the episode of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 in which Mike and the Bots watch the film Space Mutiny and ridicule a spaceship pilot called Dave Ryder for his manly weightlifter build and girlish screaming. Mike and the Bots invent a variety of super-macho names for Dave Ryder. We've tried to stay true to the principles of the original names, whilst adding plenty of randomness and some deliberately daft descriptions of what your tough guy likes to do, eat and hunt. The resulting names should be macho, funny, silly and just plain ridiculous, and we hope you like it! Special credit for this generator goes to our friend Oliver Hanbidge-Smith. Oliver is a man's man, the kind of guy who wrestles bears and eats tanks for breakfast. He also has a heart of gold and enjoys looking after budgies.
Disclaimer: this is a fan commentary page intended to encourage interest in Space Mutiny and Mystery Science Theater 3000. This generator is not an official publication and is not in any way affiliated with or endorsed by Space Mutiny, Mystery Science Theater 3000, or any of their licensees. Copyrights and trademarks for the film, TV show, articles, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and reference to them is allowed under the fair use clause of copyright law. This page is in no way intended to harm or undermine the market value of Space Mutiny or Mystery Science Theater 3000, rather to encourage fans to engage with and seek out those works.